Spain Winter 2014/15
with the weather in Spain whilst the rest of UK and France enjoyed a
cold and extremely wet Winter, we once more pulled on the cloak of
Nomads and headed south with the mobile home and bike in tow... But this
time we were looking to trade up and buy an Apartment for long term
chilling and extending the riding season.

we were not expecting a blow-out

1st campsite inland from here we viewed and purchased our Apartment in
just 11 days

2nd campsite on the coast so that we could enjoy a regimental dinner
with the Costa Blanca branch of the RMA

Were in the Apartment

I put my back out for 10 days and when I was up to it I went to get a
Bike out of the garage only to discover they had dug up the pavement.
Luckily there were other things to do whilst they re-laid the pavement
